Terry College Ambassador

Mu Chapter is proud to announce that sophomore Jack Scherger
(Mu 2468) was recently named an Ambassador for the University of Georgia’s
Terry College of Business.

Terry Ambassadors promote pride and diversity within the
College and help increase understanding of the various programs available to its
students. They also serve as the primary student communicators for Terry, while
developing their leadership abilities for future professional roles.

In this capacity, Jack will represent Terry at a variety of
college-wide events including development and alumni functions, new student welcome
events, career fairs, and economic outlook luncheons across the state. He will
also have direct interaction with the College’s Alumni Board and Young Alumni

Jack is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree
in accounting. He currently serves as Mu
Chapter’s Brotherhood Chairman, having previously served as Intramural
Chairman. Moreover, Jack is a member of
the Interfraternity Council’s Programming Committee and the Rotaract Club, and
volunteers his time with UGA HEROs, Relay for Life, and the Boys and Girls

We salute Jack for his excellent academic record,
interpersonal skills, and dependability, and wish him the best in his continued
pursuit of excellence.
