Mu Chapter Awarded Chapter of Distinction and Rock Chapter
I take great honor in announcing that Sigma Nu Fraternity, Mu Chapter Number IV at the University of Georgia was recognized by the North American Interfraternity Conference as a Chapter of Distinction Award winner for 2021. The Award recognizes exceptional fraternity collegiate chapters demonstrating excellence in operations, involvement in their Greek Life and campus community, and a commitment to a positive fraternity experience.
- Mu Chapter was 1 of only 5 winners selected out of over 5,500 fraternity chapters in all fraternities in North America.
- Since the awards inception in 2009, Mu Chapter is the first and only Chapter from any fraternity to win twice. Mu was initially recognized as a NAIC Chapter of Distinction Award winner in 2012 and is the only fraternity at the University of Georgia to ever win the Award.
- Founded at the University of Georgia in 1873 as the fourth chapter in the fraternity (Chapter IV), the Mu Chapter is the oldest chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity in continuous operation in the country and will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2023.
During the presentation speech, Judson Horras, President and CEO of North American Interfraternity Conference stated that the Mu Chapter’s standard of excellence was impressive on every level. He noted that the $150,000 raised for philanthropy was the highest total for any chapter nominated this year. Jam for Cam, an annual one day event with seven bands and attended by almost 10,000 people, is a fundraiser for melanoma research in memory of late brother Cameron Fearon. Cameron passed away from the disease during his sophomore year, and this philanthropy was a key factor in securing the Award. This year Jam for Cam will be held on September 17th, ticket sales have not yet started but be sure to mark your calendars! Mu Chapter was also recognized as having 149 active members with a GPA of 3.60, and Mu initiated 48 new men during the past academic year. 100% of members are involved in other campus organizations with 37% holding leadership positions.
With Regent John Hearn (Mu 2000) presiding over the Sigma Nu Grand Chapter, Mu Chapter also earned its 7th consecutive Rock Chapter Award, the highest merit based achievement a chapter in Sigma Nu can obtain. The Rock Award is presented by the national fraternity every two years for all around chapter excellence. The Gamma Tau Chapter (Minnesota) is the only chapter in the nation that has won more consecutive Rock Chapter Awards. Mu Chapter was recognized for using all phases of Sigma Nu’s award winning LEAD program again this biennium in addition to the accomplishments highlighted by the North American Interfraternity Conference. More importantly, winning for the 7th consecutive time illustrates a consistent level of excellence that is rarely seen nationally or on the UGA campus.
Congratulations to the active brothers, volunteers and alumni who continue to work in the right direction to fulfill the fraternity’s mission of building Men of Honor and developing ethical leaders for society.