Mu News – End of Spring Semester
To celebrate Mu chapter’s 150th Anniversary the current Executive Council and a special committee are planning a party with the hopes of bringing everyone back to Athens. Please go ahead and add the event to your calendars. Saturday January 21, 2023 will be a black tie event at the Classic Center in Athens from 6-10pm. There will be dinner, a short presentation and a band. The day will also include an open house on River Road during the afternoon as well as gatherings for groups of pledge classes following dinner. All alumni are invited and we are really excited to share more information about event registration and details as we continue planning it. Go Dawgs!
In Search of Speakers at Mu Chapter
In order to strengthen the professional development of Mu Chapter, we would like to institute a speaker series at Mu Chapter that will begin the Fall semester. If you or anyone you know would like to speak at Mu Chapter to discuss your career and professional development in your industry please reach out to me at
IFC Speaker Tom Greene

On Friday April 15, Tom Greene (M1964) came to the University of Georgia to speak about his life and experiences as Mu Chapter commander and IFC president. The event was hosted at the chapel by the Interfraternity Council and well over 70 men from the various fraternities on campus were in attendance. Greene talked about how his service to Mu chapter and the Greek community changed his life and really prepared him for success in life as an adult. Greene also writes a blog that contains his thoughts on life and current events. The blog can be reached at and I highly recommend that you give it a read.
Affirmation of Knighthood

On Sunday May 1st, Mu chapter had the Affirmation of Knighthood at the chapter house. We had 25 brothers there to get affirmed, along with much of the active chapter present to support our graduating brothers. We were lucky enough to have Robert Durham (M1650) present to present the Robert E. Durham Medal of Excellence. Each semester the award is given to the graduating senior who, through his vision and courage, consistently demonstrates a commitment to excellence, and whose actions on behalf of Sigma Nu Fraternity and the University of Georgia provide a worthy example for others to follow. Shelby Edwards (M2742) won the award. Throughout his time as an active member of Mu Chapter, he has continually represented these values and is well deserving of the award. The event was a great success and we are thankful for Robert Durham, Leigh Stowe, and the rest of the men of Mu Chapter who made it.
Alumni Weekend

On Friday May 6th, Mu Chapter hosted alumni at Burge Plantation for a barbeque and clay shooting. We arrived to a buffet of pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, and rolls. After the feast, the men headed to the sporting clay course. We kept score and at the end recent graduates Hill Hartmann and Shelby Edwards ended up winning. It was a close competition and a ton of fun for everyone. At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted from their time on the course, but all of the brothers and alumni still had a great time.