Mu News – March 2022
To celebrate Mu chapter’s 150th Anniversary the current Executive Council and a special committee are planning a party with the hopes of bringing everyone back to Athens. Please go ahead and add the event to your calendars. Saturday January 21, 2023 will be a black tie event at the Classic Center in Athens from 6-10pm. There will be dinner, a short presentation and a band. The day will also include an open house on River Rd during the afternoon as well as gatherings for groups of pledge classes following dinner. All alumni are invited and we are really excited to share more information about event registration and details as we continue planning it. Go Dawgs!
Alumni Clay Shooting Event Reminder
This is a reminder that we will be having a clay shooting event at Burge Plantation on May 6th. The event will begin at 1pm with lunch and we will be shooting clays afterwards. The address is 44 Jeff Cook Rd, Mansfield, GA 30055. Please rsvp to or at this link:
Phi Mu Wedding

After a one-year hiatus, the Phi Mu wedding returned to the house basement in a big way. The brothers of Sigma Nu were hard at work all day before the event making sure the basement was ready for the bride’s big day, with lights, a red carpet, and an ivy-wrapped arch serving to make the house the perfect wedding destination. After the bachelor party ended at 8, the Phi Mu’s began arriving at the house. Following the ceremony, the wedding party proceeded downtown to continue the revelry.
MedLife Road Clean Up

Many members of Mu Chapter are part of MedLife, an international nonprofit focused on providing medicine, education, and development for low-income families. In March, Jared Isaacs, AJ Stevenson, and Jack Bynum helped clean up Barnett Shoals as a part of MedLife. They spent several hours on the weekend picking up trash and other debris in an effort to help keep Athens clean. Although this is a relatively small act, this is one of the many acts of service that MedLife and its many members in Mu Chapter participate in.
Spring Break

At the beginning of March the University of Georgia had their first spring break in two years. A large majority of the brothers of Sigma Nu headed south for the beach. The freshman and sophomores piled into several houses on St George’s Island. The juniors and seniors spread themselves out across Fort Lauderdale, The Bahamas and Cabo, Mexico to name a few places. Others opted to get a break from the chaos of school and spend a weekend with their families to reset and get ready to finish off the semester the right way. All in all, everyone enjoyed having a spring tradition return and getting much needed well-cooked meals.

On Saturday, March 19, Sigma Nu hosted our annual spring party, Woodstock. It was held at the house, with live music on the back porch and brothers and friends crowding around the stage. Brothers gathered at the house early to decorate it and give it the true “Woodstock” theme. We had hosted the band Easy Honey, followed by our headliner, The 502’s, and ended with a DJ, Elephante. All three were a hit, and everyone loved The 502’s famous song, “Just a Little While.” As well as being our annual spring party, we used it as an opportunity to get rushees in Athens to meet the brothers and get a feel for Sigma Nu. Our Head Recruitment Chairman, Luke Law Mu 2824, along with the rush team, were able to extend 3 bids to rising UGA freshman; all of which accepted their bids. Overall, the night was a huge success, and it was great to finally have a normal Woodstock again after the past few years of uncertainty.
Beach Weekend

On the weekend of March 25th, 50 brothers and their dates made the drive down to Myrtle Beach for our White Star Beach Weekend. While there we spent most of our time on the beach, as we were fortunate that the weather was great. Lots of brothers also made the trip to go play putt putt as well as going to local seafood places. This was a great weekend to hopefully get some momentum behind revamping an annual beach weekend