Dear Mu Alumni, The active chapter had a fantastic September. Check out the updates below! The active chapter invites all alumni and their families to tailgate at the house for the home game against Missouri. The alumni tailgate will consist of food catered by Saucehouse, music and a brief program for active members and alumni. Please stay tuned for more details as we wait for an announcement on the time of kickoff! We are thrilled to announce the initiation of the fall 2019 pledge class into brotherhood! Last Sunday, the 45 member class was successfully initiated as brothers in front of the active chapter and attending alumni. The class comes from all over the state as well as the country such as Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, and California. Thank you to all alumni who attended last week’s event as we are honored to partake in our time-honored ritual together. Congratulations to Marshal Charlie Ogletree (MU 2669) for running a fantastic candidate program!  This September, the active chapter and the newly initiated candidate class were honored to welcome four distinguished alumni back to the Chateau. Michael Barry (MU 2071), Ben Woodworth (MU 1032), Regent John Hearn (MU 2000), and Luther Lockwood (MU 1901) all took the time to speak to the brothers about a variety of different subjects. Mr. Barry spent time educating the candidates on the power of standing up to hazing while having them partake various situational activities. Mr. Lockwood spoke on the history of Mu chapter while telling the story of James Bonham and founding of Mu chapter. Regent Hearn also helped educate the new class on the history of Sigma Nu while adding both college and life advice. Finally, Mr. Woodworth, who spoke on his stories in the Navy while teaching the values of proper leadership. We can’t thank our incredible alumni enough for their continued commitment to the active chapter.     Mu chapter made the most of the Dawgs bye weekend by traveling to Helen Georgia to celebrate Oktoberfest. Brothers and their dates dressed their best in authentic German lederhosen and began exploring the town. The group quickly found food at the many Helen pubs and restaurants available. The evening then lead to a Helen beer hall, The Helen Oktoberfest, where brothers and their dates were greeted by multiple German bands and beer. As the event came to a close; it was evident that the brothers had a great time with the idea of starting this tradition well into the future.  Jam For Cam is just one week away and the brothers are hard at working trying to recreate the success of last year’s event. If you missed last year, Jam For Cam is a non-profit organization founded in honor of our late brother, Cameron Fearon who passed away from metastatic melanoma in August of 2018. Jam For Cam’s three pronged mission of community, awareness and music is culminated in a concert-style event hosted in the fall of every year. This year, Jam For Cam will take place at Southern Brewing Company in Athens, GA and will feature 7 bands will an expected attendance over 5,000 people. The brothers couldn’t be more excited to raise money and awareness for The Melanoma Research Foundation and are counting down the seconds until the event. We invite all alumni who find their way to Athens next weekend to come join us at 5pm on Friday October 11th. If you would like more details or would like to support the cause check out the website,, or reach out to me at “ “. We hope to see y’all there!  Brothers Alex Taylor (2677), Taylor Last (MU 2727), Grant Metts (MU 2668) and Will White (MU 2680) won the IFC golf tournament for the second year in a row! Representing Sigma Nu, the brothers shot a 59 to bring home the win for the chapter. The tournament yearly supports UGA miracle in dedication to raising money and awareness for Children’s Healthcare of America. Congrats Alex, Taylor, Grant and Will!   |