Mu News – Summer 2022
To celebrate Mu chapter’s 150th Anniversary the current Executive Council and a special committee are planning a party with the hopes of bringing everyone back to Athens. Please go ahead and add the event to your calendars. Saturday January 21, 2023 will be a black tie event at the Classic Center in Athens from 6-10pm. There will be dinner, a short presentation and a band. The day will also include an open house on River Road during the afternoon as well as gatherings for groups of pledge classes following dinner. All alumni are invited and we are really excited to share more information about event registration and details as we continue planning it. The hotel room block will be at the Hilton Garden Inn and the link is:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
We look forward to seeing you there and Go Dawgs!
Commander’s Dinner

The commander’s dinner on June 9th, 2022 went great. The event was hosted at Bones Restaurant in Atlanta, GA, and it was phenomenal to see so many distinguished alumni attend. Current Commander of Mu Chapter, Walker Clark, gave a State of the Chapter speech updating the attendees on the past year, rush, and the future outlook on the fraternity. It was great having so many successful men of Mu Chapter together.
Mu Chapter Awards
Mu Chapter received many awards based on the Pursuit of Excellence Program and I am proud to announce that we received a Rock Chapter rating in every section. Below is the list of all of the awards we received:
Pursuit of Excellence (PEP) Awards:
- PEP Award for Excellence in Personal Development and Membership Value
- PEP Award for Excellence in Values-Based Leadership
- PEP Award for Operational Excellence
Additional Awards:
- Excellence in LEAD Phase 1
- Excellence in LEAD Phase 2
- Manpower Award (Above 100 Men) – 124
Mu Chapter Abroad

Many of the brothers of Mu chapter studied abroad this semester, with locations varying from Chile to Australia. Steve Seramur and Kolton Green traveled to Santiago, Chile to study International Marketing. They visited the Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce and a wide variety of Chilean startups and vineyards to learn about how Chileans market their products to Americans. Galvin Feroleto, Michael Burnett, and Emilio Ferrara went to Oxford at various points throughout the summer. Carter Boswell traveled to Sydney, Australia where he had the opportunity to dive the Great Barrier Reef and study International Finance. Eight brothers went to Innsbruck, Austria to study at the University of Innsbruck. They studied a wide variety of topics and traveled to places such as Budapest, Prague, and Venice.
Summer Internship Spotlight

Connor Kuck, a senior brother, interned at ESPN headquarters as a finance intern in Bristol, Connecticut this summer. He really enjoyed his time there and had the opportunity to attend the Travelers Championship, watch the premier of Derek Jeter’s 30 for 30 in Yankee’s Stadium, and see a private screening of Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder. This was a great experience and we are proud of Connor for his hard work.
Brothers Together Around Town

Junior Brothers (left to right) Nick Tuggle, Sam Shelton, Chaz Martinez, Jay Wright, and Tommy King attended the Braves game versus the Houston Astros on August 20th. It was a spur of the moment idea and they ended up going to a great game. The Braves won 5-4 with a walk-off home run in the bottom of the 11th inning.
Summer Philanthropy

Junior Brother Cam Kopp recently volunteered at the Atlanta Community Food Bank to help distribute food to drive-up recipients. Cam did this as a part of an optional volunteer program hosted by his internship Neenah Inc. where he worked as a business analyst intern. Cam had a unique experience due to the firm going through a merger about halfway through the summer. He had a great opportunity and it is great to see him giving back to the community.
Rush Update

The rush team did a great job this summer. We are currently at 42 Candidates with 11 legacies. We had a lot of great rush events this summer from rafting the Oconee River to hosting The Wheelers Band at the house. Pledgeship started on August 14th. Below is the list of the candidates we currently have:
Allgood, Sam / Atlanta, GA / The Lovett School / Legacy
Barksdale, Addison / Charlotte, NC / Myers Park High School
Bornhorst, Luke / Gainesville, GA / Chestatee High School
Boswell, Ryan / Gaithersburg, MD / Quince Orchard High School
Bregitzer, Bennett / Dunwoody, GA / Dunwoody High School / Legacy
Callahan, Joe / Columbus, GA / St. Anne – Pacelli Catholic School
Carson, Rivers / Savannah, GA / Savannah Country Day
Carter, Thomas / Carrollton, GA / Carrollton High School
Colcer, Wilson / Charlotte, NC / Myers Park High School
Coptsias, Nathan / St. Simons, GA / Glynn Academy
Dillman, Jack / Baton Rouge, LA / Catholic High School
Dwyer, Michael / Marietta, GA / Pope High School
Faraone, Bobby / Gaithersburg, MD / Quince Orchard High School
Griffith, Lyle / Memphis, TN / Christian Brothers High School / Legacy
Guttman, Robbie / Cincinnati, Ohio / Indian Hills High School
Harper, Greyson / Carrollton, GA / Carrollton High School
Herren, Will / Monroe, GA / George Walton Academy
Jackson, Zach / Atlanta, GA / North Atlanta High School / Legacy
Krivsky, Forrest / Marietta, GA / Marietta High School / Legacy
McLendon, Cam / Carrollton, GA / Carrollton High School / Legacy
McLeod, Tucker / Carrollton, GA / Carrollton High School / Legacy
McWard, Jack / Dunwoody, GA / Dunwoody High School
Miller, Madox / Valdosta, GA / Lowndes High School
Nunn, DR / Memphis, TN / Christian Brothers High School / Legacy
O’Meara, Mark / Atlanta, GA / North Atlanta High School
Pickens, Michael / Atlanta, GA / North Atlanta High School
Pierotti, Will / Alamo, CA / Monte Vista High School
Roberts, Alex / Valdosta, GA / Valdosta High School
Roberson, Tanner / Perry, GA / The Westfield School
Rutledge, Carson / Johns Creek, GA / Johns Creek High School
Sanders, Cole / Peachtree City, GA / Starr’s Mill High School
Sasser, Jonathan / St. Simons, GA / Glynn Academy / Legacy
Scarborough, Evan / Savannah, GA / Benedictine Military School
Schmidt, Troy / Marietta, GA / Pope High School
Simerville, Jackson / Charlotte, NC / Charlotte Latin School
Smaldino, Ryan / Los Angeles, CA / Tesoro High School
Smith, Coleman / Atlanta, GA / Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School / Legacy
Tredennick, Luke / Dallas, TX / Trinity Christian Academy
Valaoras, Matt / Winston-Salem, NC / R.J. Reynolds High School
Webb, Nathan / Atlanta, GA / Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School / Legacy
Wines, Conner / Dallas, TX / Trinity Christian Academy
Woocher, Charlie / Atlanta, GA / The Lovett School
Jam for Cam

Jam for Cam is Mu Chapter’s annual philanthropy concert for the fall semester. Cameron Fearon (M2719) passed away in Fall 2018 from melanoma and his pledge class decided to create this 501c-3 non-profit in his honor. Money raised goes to American Cancer Society, Camp Carolina, Melanoma Research Center, and The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Jam for Cam will be hosted at Southern Brewing Company on October 7th at 6:00pm. The link to donate is If you are interested in VIP tickets or being a corporate sponsor email Michael Burnett at
Alumni Tailgate
Mu Chapter will host an alumni tailgate during the weekend of the Vanderbilt game on October 15th. There will be food catered to the house and we hope to see you all there. Additionally, Mu Chapter will be hosting our annual golf tournament, the Classic City Open, on Sunday the 16th. We will have more details on that later. Please email with any questions or comments
In Search of Speakers at Mu Chapter
In order to strengthen the professional development of Mu Chapter, we would like to institute a speaker series as a part of our LEAD program at Mu Chapter that will begin the Fall semester. If you or anyone you know would like to speak at Mu Chapter to discuss your career and professional development in your industry, please reach out to