MuNews February 2023
Parents Weekend

On the 17th and 18th of February, Mu Chapter was delighted to host parents and siblings back home at River Road. It was a weekend of comradery, father-son smack talk, bands, barbeque, and desperate pleas by us college kids for our parents to show their love via Venmo, cash app, or bank transfers so that our debit cards will no longer decline at Chick-fil-a. Friday night included a private event, family bonding, and parents having the ability to meet pledge brothers who they have heard countless stories about from their sons. Saturday saw continued festivities as tables and flowers were set for veteran-owned Bent Willy’s Barbeque paired with a music accompaniment by 3:16.
Country Party

On Friday, February 10th, Mu Chapter hosted a country-inspired band party, including the likes of Gavin Adcock and Them Dirty Roses. Following a busy day of stage setup, collecting haybales, jean short production, and perfect class attendance on a beautiful Friday in Athens, it was finally time for the music to kick off. Gavin took no time setting the tone for an energetic performance by talking about Georgia football before kicking the performance off with heartbreak hits of Goin Goin Gone and Ain’t No Cure. After reminiscing on his not-too-long-removed college days in Statesboro via sharing his own stories, he welcomed Them Dirty Roses to the stage. As fun as the night was, it did not take long for those living in the house to realize on the rainy Saturday morning following that the haybales had indeed spread all over the house and porch, and we learned that wet hay takes several hours to clean up.
Spotlight: Emilio Ferrara

Just this year, Brother Emilio Ferrara, a member of the junior class and current IFC President, was honored by being named to the High Council of Sigma Nu. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and an MBA in biotechnology, Emilio will now add to his plate by becoming one of the four collegiate representatives of the National Fraternity. While many in the chapter, including myself, would hardly be able to explain the first thing about biotech or biomedical sciences, Brother Ferrara maintains his academics above all his other numerous responsibilities, as he is a Foundation Fellow and Stamps Scholar, both of which are among the most prestigious academic achievements in the country. While one would assume Emilio would hardly have time to sleep, much less have any free time, Emilio is regarded as one of the chapter’s most feared pickleball players and an avid golfer. Congratulations to Emilio; as we all know he will represent Mu Chapter well on the High Council.
Commanders’ Dinner

On Thursday, February 23rd, current Commander John David St Pé joined former Commanders dating back to 1958 at Bones Restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. After catching up and debates about who headed the most successful tenure at the chapter’s helm, Commander St Pé gave a “State of the Chapter Address” before opening the floor for encouragement, advice, and wisdom. This year hosted an unforgettable moment as Brother Maury Gaston was honored with Mu 2952 as an official induction into Mu Chapter as an offer of gratitude for his immense efforts in the restoration of the historic Mu Chapter, as well as continued allegiance, dedication, and guidance for well over a decade since. Brother Gaston has served as an invaluable mentor to Mu Chapter and currently serves as the regent-elect for all of Sigma Nu and will officially step into the role at the next convening of Grand Chapter.
Spotlight: Daniel Diefenbach

We would like to give a huge shoutout to Daniel Diefenbach, a sophomore pledge class member. Daniel, known by many as Dief from his days at North Atlanta High School, was selected as the chapter representative for UGA’s Miracle program. Miracle raises awareness and donations on behalf of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, otherwise known as CHOA, to provide care for families who deal with the tragedy of watching a child battle cancer and blood disorders. As part of a unified UGA greek life effort, this year, Miracle was able to raise over $1,000,000, marking UGA as the single largest academic donor to CHOA. Fundraising efforts were capped by the annual “Dance Marathon” event hosted in the Tate Student Center, which includes a nonstop 24-hour period of dancing, music, meals, pictures, and sports with CHOA Miracle families.