MuNews March 2023

On Saturday, March 18, Woodstock made its continued annual return to River Road. After countless hours of planning, setting up, and searching for bands, Woodstock was able to be executed smoothly, thanks to the incredible work of the social committee under the leadership of Social Chairman Dimitri Nakis. Festivities kicked off at 4:00, as Underground Springhouse took the stage prior to performances by a reunited AFTM playing their first show back together and Boy Named Banjo. The night was capped off by NOTD when the crowd was illuminated with glow-in-the-dark foam sticks as the day of peace came to a close. As those living in the house awoke Sunday morning, it is safe to say the landscape was eerily similar to the aftermath of the infamous final 1999 Woodstock, as it seemed as though there was not enough manpower in the world to clean up. However, in what can only be described as a Woodstock miracle, pledge classes rallied together to restore the Chalet back to its glory.
L.E.A.D. Kickoff

On Monday, March 20th, the chapter was delighted to welcome Mu men Adam McDonald and Bobby Woods back to kick off our efforts for L.E.A.D., a program aimed at teaching important values and life lessons to members of the chapter via speakers and workshops. Brothers McDonald and Woods were both members of the return of Mu Chapter at UGA before joining the Navy and Army. Brother McDonald has spent his tenure as a member of the Navy, having served as a communication expert on a counter-narcotics SEAL team as well as having flown P-8As, which are most famously known for their use in surveillance and anti-submarine warfare. Meanwhile, Brother Woods served in the 101st Airborne Division as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan when an enemy sniper shot him in the head. Before receiving medical treatment, he ensured the safety of his fellow servicemen during the combat, and only later, once his men were safe, did he focus on his own wounds. With Brother McDonald now serving as one of the Navy’s premiere recruiters and Brother Woods working in venture capital on top of running his own farm outside of Athens, it is safe to say that we were extremely lucky to have them speak on their service experiences, global politics, job recruiting advice, and several college stories that had the entire room laughing.
Brotherhood March Madness

Prior to UConn claiming the NCAA basketball title, the real March Madness champions were crowned on none other than the courts of River Road. Newly appointed Brotherhood Chairman Kyler Roy organized a 3v3 tournament for members of Mu Chapter to participate in as a way to strengthen relationships, stay active, and facilitate friendly competition within the chapter. As tensions grew throughout the week, the afternoon of Sunday the 26th finally arrived. As brothers awaited for the tournament to commence, the buildup took a screeching halt as miscommunication left a few participants who will go unnamed to arrive half an hour late for the tournament’s first game. However, Brother Roy quickly got the tournament back on track before a successful afternoon of airballs, questionable foul calls, realizations of not being in the same shape as high school, and an eventual champion being crowned. I would like to congratulate “Team Duffy” for winning the tournament, as Graham Connell, Jack Bynum, and Ben “Duffy” Burnett took home the imaginary trophy.
Brother Spotlight: Jack Bynum

Joe Hearn Bynum IV MU 2888, otherwise known to many as just “Bynum,” is a member of the Sophomore pledge class. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Jack attended North Atlanta High School, where he participated as a member of the school’s lacrosse team throughout his time in high school. Once admitted into UGA, Jack wasted little time hitting the books, as his original pre-med track ensured he never had a shortage of 300-page textbooks on hand. Following his Freshman year, Jack pivoted to his current pre-law route and intends to pursue a law degree. Between juggling one of the highest GPAs in his pledge class and regular shifts working at The Silver Dollar Bar, Jack has managed to consistently find time to go out with his pledge brothers and enjoy the famous Athens music scene via many visits to the Georgia Theater. While his ability to have a good time has never once been questioned, Jack is also known throughout the fraternity for being a compassionate brother who will always set aside time to help anyone in need of a variety of tasks between little favors all the way through emotional support during trying personal times.